Monday, July 18, 2011

Rafiki Rwanda village- Day 1

Upon arrival at the Rafiki Rwanda village, and after unloading the dental equip at the room in which we'll hold the clinic, Sherri and I met our Guest cottage roomies, Barb-from NJ, and Will- from Houston.

Pictured:  Will Fraser, Sherri Bush, Barb Hoffman, Audrey Seiter

We visited for a little bit, unpacked and then it was time for dinner.  Sherri and I were given the suite, so we are sharing a room and bathroom... see how God prepared me in advance by having us already share rooms and even beds?!  Lots of stretching going on here!  Fortunately for me, Sherri is the best roommate I could ask for!  What a blessing!

We are each assigned a "family" to eat lunch and dinner with each day for a week.  We also go to this family's cottage each evening after dinner and spend 30min to an hour with them, reading, having devotionals, singing, etc.

The first family I've been assigned to is Mama Marie's (pronounced Mary) family of 7 girls.  I'm trying to remember all their names.

Only 6 of her girls are pictured below because Diana is in P1 (1st grade) and she has lunch with her class so she is missing from this pic.

We are having Posho with sauce over it.  (more on Posho later)

Marie's kids are adorable!  When I got to their cottage, they were so excited to show me around!  They sleep in bunk beds, so they showed me their beds and their cubbies when they keep their neatly folded clothes.  They showed me their cottage toys and books and even Mama Marie's room & bathroom.

They performed many songs for me-- most of which I sing with my K2Town kids at church!!  I read then a few books-- making it inter-active.

They recited a very long memory verse for me & we closed with heartfelt prayer.  The Holy Spirit's presence was strong.  Several girls prayed thorough, soul-touching prayers.  Mama Marie followed by praying and then asked me to say the closing prayer.  My eyes were all watery and not just from jetlag!

Back at the guest cottage, the 4 of us visited some more & Barb and her hubby, Larry, figured out how to skype on Will's computer, which entertained us all.

We receieved a "welcome" visit from Mike and Vicky Koch, who filled us in on the schedule & answered our questions & made us feel very welcome & comfortable.

We were in bed by 9:30--thus ending our first partial day at the village-- a beautiful day!  Alarm is set for 6am---devotionals begin at 7:30am.

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